Fish Gets Key

What was the objective?
Get to the other side without getting eaten by the shark.
What were the directions?
A moves left D moves right
What made it challenging?
The codes would be the hardest.
How could you control the difficulty?
Making the codes for the shark to go faster

1) How does it make you feel that things you post online are not private? DOES NOT WANT ME TO GO ON THE INTERNET THAT MUCH

2) What do you think your digital footprint looks like? What kind of person would people think you are based on what you put online? Alot of games

What was the Purpose? To have safe sex

Who was the Audience? Everybody

What was the Message?To have safe sex

What made the PSA so good? When the person pulled out a condum

Any suggestions for improvement N/A

-What was the purpose?
The purpose is not do meth or you get addicted to it.
-Who is the audience?
The audience is to the everybody.
-What is the message?
The message is not to do meth

How this PSA is effective and memorable is by not doing meth or your story will and shorter. Starting meth will ruin your. don’t do meth